Free Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast

There is a Free Indian Diet plan for Hypothyroidism to lose weight fast. I also mention some good and bad foods for Hypothyroidism.

Firstly let us quickly understand Hypothyroidism

What is Hypothyroidism?

The thyroid gland helps convert our food into energy and if we have hypothyroidism it means our thyroid gland is underactive and we are unable to digest food properly. So we have a free Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast and make our diet delicious and easy to digest. You can adjust it according to your needs:

Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast

Free Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast:

In the early morning follow these 3 steps:

1. Medicine: You should take your medicine first and follow this plan after one hour.

2. Coriander water: Take overnight soaked coriander seeds and boil them in a glass of water when it remains half a cup of water drink it. You can add some cumin seeds too at the time of boiling water to make it more effective.

3. Dry fruits: After half an hour of drinking water eat some nuts (2 Walnuts, 2 Almond and 5 Raisins you can add some Pumpkin seeds too) [Please take care that you don’t eat in extra amounts because in large quantities of nuts can be harmful to you].

Free Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast


1. Coriander seeds: help you balance your hormones and make your thyroid active.

2. Cumin seeds: help in cleaning your body and help in digestion.

3. Nuts: make your skin glow and energetic the whole day.

Let’s make your free Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast.

In Breakfast: ( 8am – 9am)

I am giving you various options you can pick any of them at your convenience. Various options are as follows:

Idlis with coconut chutney and lemon water after half an hour of eating.
A bowl of Poha/Oats and the same after an hour of lemon water to digest it quickly.
2 Roti stuffed with Panner and some hot lemon water after half an hour.

Note: If lemon water does not suit your body you can replace it with cumin seeds.

At brunch (noon) (12 pm)

Any fruit of the season ( except Pears, Peaches, Apricot, Plums, Acai berries, Pomegranate)

Lunch ( 2-3 pm)

I am also giving options for lunch so that you can choose various choices while selecting your meal:

Brown rice with chickpea(chole) /kidney beans( rajma) /any lentils(dal) / Black chickpea( kala channa)

Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast


2 or 3 Whole Grain roti with any vegetable you like (except Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Turnip, Bokchoy, and Kale) with curd.


If you are non-vegetarian you can eat oysters, beef, chicken, fish, eggs

Snacks (4-5 pm)

Roasted channa chat/Fox Nut chat with green tea. Special types of green tea are also available in the market for thyroid management. I am giving you a link if you want to order:


2 Biscuit with tea/ coffee try to make it with little sugar or no sugar.

Night ( 7-8 pm)

Lentil soup and whole Grain Bread.


Grilled Fish and chicken with roasted vegetables with Quinoa or brown rice.


Mixed Green vegetables with lean protein and a light vinaigrette.

Before Sleeping

Take half a spoon of cumin seed and boil in one and a half glasses of water until it remains half. Then drink after it becomes cool.

Additional things you need to remember while you are following this Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast:

1. Water: Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.

2. Walking: 30 min daily in the morning and evening to lose weight.

3. Yoga: Try some throat yoga inhale and exhale breath exercises to maintain hypothyroidism.

4. Walk-in breaks: If your work is of long hours sitting try to take the same breaks and walk in between.

5. Oily food or Junk food: Avoid oily foods.

6. Sugary products: Avoid sugary products to lose weight fast.

7. Caffeine products: Avoid overconsumption of coffee. Instead of tea or coffee try this Green tea:

Worst food for hypothyroidism

Foods you can include to make your thyroid active:

1. Iodized Salt: It helps in increasing the production of your underactive Thyroid.

2. Antioxidant: You can eat various fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants.

3. Fiber-rich foods: This includes food grains, Fruits, and vegetables to help in managing your weight and sugar level.

4. Omega 3: It will be found in fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. These seeds help in balancing your thyroid and very effective for weight loss and make your skin glow too. If you find it difficult to recognize these seeds am mentioning a link you can order:

5. Selenium: Fish and eggs support thyroid function.

Best food for hypothyroidism

Foods you can avoid in hypothyroidism to lose weight:

1. Processed and sugary products: Limit and avoid processed and sugar products to lose your fat fast and make you slim.

2. Cruciferous vegetables: These types of vegetables will interfere with your thyroid production level so avoid these types of foods.

3. Soy and soy products: Avoid these types of food too so that it will interfere with your hormone production which will lead to hypothyroidism.

4. Gluten products: Try to limit the consumption of gluten products.

5. Caffeine products: Try to avoid caffeine products like tea, and coffee or limit it. If you have a habit of drinking tea or coffee please select green tea instead of it. There are various green teas available in the market to manage hypothyroidism and if you want my recommendation I am mentioning the link where you can purchase it:

6. Alcohol: consumption of alcohol also interferes with your thyroid production activities.

Diet is essential to reduce weight and also help in the production of your inactive thyroid because due to hypothyroidism you will face a lot of health issues which can be very dangerous for you so it is very necessary to manage it. Some common issues that affect people with Hypothyroidism are as follows:

Common issue due to Hypothyroidism

Physical issues

Physical issues can be faced by a person due to Hypothyroidism can be various serious so it is very necessary to maintain and know about those issues.

1. Weight Gain: It is something you already know that will increase your weight which may cause many problems. This happens because your metabolism is slow due to an underactive thyroid gland.

2. Constipation: This problem is also can be caused by an underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism because it causes your metabolism to slow which will cause various digestive system-related issues that can lead to constipation. So if you feel that this problem exists try to eat a good amount of fresh salad and a lot of water and you can also take this syrup ml mixed with lukewarm water as directed by your Ayurvedic physician

3. Cold intolerance: Some people feel very cold and they can’t tolerate cold temperatures due to hypothyroidism so it is very necessary to follow a regular diet and exercise routine and take medicine without skipping.

4. Acne or Skin-related issues: Underactive thyroid glands can also cause various skin-related issues like acne, dry skin, eczema, and many other skin-related issues. If you have very much acne problems on your face you can try this face wash- if you have an eczema problem try to drink lemon water 2 times a day and Rub lemon in your affected area also apply a good moisturizer after it.

5. Hair-related issue: There is also the possibility of hair fall, dandruff, and various other kinds of issues you will face due to hypothyroidism.

Mental issues:

Mental issues are common when you have problems with your digestive issues you will face brain issues too like:

1. Memory-related issue: It will affect your memory power you can forget something and also will find it difficult to concentrate and cognitive function.

2. Anxiety and Depression: People with underactive thyroid can face anxiety and depression issues.

3. Mood swings: If you feel a sudden change in mood sudden happiness and suddenly crying this will also happen due to hypothyroidism.

Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast

4. Anger issue: This can also happen with people with hypothyroidism.

Reproductive issues:

Reproductive issues can be seen in people with underactive thyroid gland.

1. Menstrual Irregularities: There is the possibility of irregular periods due to an underactive thyroid and there is also the possibility of heavy periods and light periods.

2. Sexual incompetency: An underactive thyroid can increase or decrease your sexual desire.

3. Infertility: It can increase the risk of infertility in both men and women so it is important to make it active to prevent yourself from issues.

4. Pregnancy complications: in hypothyroidism, there is a risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight.

I hope this information holds you about the Free Indian diet plan for hypothyroidism to lose weight fast. Please comment If you have any queries or want any further information related to thyroid. I will try to reply to your all queries.

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